Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed Beige Book-Kansas City: Economy Expanded Moderately ...

WASHINGTON (MNI) ? The following is the text of the Kansas City
section of the Federal Reserve?s Beige Book report on current financial
conditions released Wednesday:


The Tenth District economy expanded moderately in January and early
February. Despite a seasonal decline, consumer spending was stronger
than expected and retailers anticipated rising sales in coming months.
District manufacturing activity rebounded with stronger expectations for
production, hiring, and capital spending. Residential and commercial
real estate activity improved, and District contacts were optimistic
regarding spring sales and construction activity. District banks
reported steady loan demand and improved loan quality. Agricultural
growing conditions improved with recent precipitation, and farmland
values soared with high commodity prices. High crude oil prices fueled a
rebound in District drilling activity with further gains expected during
the next three months. More contacts reported passing higher raw
materials prices through to finished goods prices. Many District
contacts planned to hire additional workers during the next quarter.
Still, wage pressures remained largely subdued except for specialized
positions in high-tech and energy industries.

Consumer Spending.

Consumer spending weakened in January and early February but was
expected to rebound in the months ahead. District retailers reported a
slowdown in sales after the holidays as consumers shopped for bargains.
Still, store owners noted sales exceeded expectations by rising above
year-ago levels and many remained optimistic that sales would improve in
the coming months. Clearance items moved quickly, and appliance sales
ticked up while demand for furniture and electronics was weak. Auto
dealers reported a post-holiday lull in sales that boosted inventory
levels, especially for SUVs and more expensive car models. However, auto
dealers expected stronger demand for smaller, fuel efficient cars would
spur sales in the coming months. Some dealerships were hiring
salespeople and service technicians. Restaurant sales were down from the
previous survey but remained higher than year-ago levels and were
expected to pick up with warmer weather. Tourism activity slowed after
the holidays and below-average snowfall hurt bookings at Colorado ski
resorts. District hotel owners, however, reported an uptick in occupancy
at slightly higher average room rates and expected business to
strengthen further during the next three months.

Manufacturing and Other Business Activity.

Manufacturing activity rebounded, and sales at high-tech service
firms rose sharply while transportation activity edged down in the
survey period. Manufacturing activity expanded at both nondurable and
durable goods factories, particularly those producing chemicals,
fabricated metals, and aircraft equipment. After falling in late 2011,
the volume of new orders and shipments rebounded in January and February
and finished goods inventories held steady with increased production.
Plant managers expected production, hiring, and capital spending to
strengthen during the next six months. The high-tech industry reported a
sharp increase in sales, and some contacts were worried about losing
future business due to a shortage of specialized labor, particularly
software developers. Transportation activity slowed further but was
expected to improve in the months ahead. Trucking firms remained
concerned about high fuel costs and a lack of qualified drivers. Real
Estate and Construction. Residential and commercial real estate activity
picked up in January and early February. Existing home inventories
declined as lower prices spurred a modest increase in sales,
particularly for low- and mid-priced homes. Real estate contacts
expected that a seasonal upswing in sales this spring would stabilize
home prices in the coming months. Residential mortgage lenders reported
an uptick in loans for home purchases and higher average loan amounts
while home loan refinancing activity was expected to slow further.
Residential lot prices fell further, and new home starts were on par
with year-ago levels. Builders planned to ramp up construction in the
coming months and sales rose at building supply firms. New commercial
construction increased and was expected to rise further with more
projects in the pipeline. Commercial real estate prices and rents dipped
during the survey period but were expected to firm as vacancy rates
improved. After edging up in January and early February, commercial real
estate sales were expected to strengthen further during the next few
months. Developers reported little change in access to credit.


In the recent survey period, bankers reported generally steady loan
demand, slight improvements in loan quality, and a modest increase in
deposits. Most respondents reported steady loan demand for commercial
and industrial loans and commercial real estate loans. However, loan
demand was slightly weaker for consumer installment loans and
residential real estate loan demand softened with slower home mortgage
refinancing activity. Bankers reported that interest rates on commercial
and industrial loans declined further. Credit standards remained largely
unchanged in all major loan categories, and most respondents reported
stable or increased deposits. The majority of bankers reported improved
loan quality compared with a year ago, and many bankers expected loan
quality to improve further during the next six months.


Agricultural growing conditions fluctuated with precipitation
levels. After warm, dry weather in January, recent precipitation kept
agricultural growing conditions from deteriorating further. The winter
wheat crop remained in fair to good condition. Soil moisture levels were
low across the District with western Oklahoma and Kansas experiencing
severe drought. Ranchers in the southern Plains continued to liquidate
herds due to poor pasture conditions and record high cattle prices. In
the northern Plains, the lack of harsh winter weather allowed cattle
feedlot operators to reduce feed usage and still maintain livestock
growth. District contacts expressed concerns about 2012 profit margins
due to rising feed, fuel, and fertilizer costs. Still, a rebound in crop
prices fueled additional gains to record high farmland values and more
bankers expected farmland prices to move higher in the next few months.


Energy activity rebounded in January and early February and
District contacts expected additional expansion in coming months. After
slowing at the start of the year, District drilling rig activity
rebounded with higher crude oil prices. Energy contacts, however, noted
that a lack of equipment and services and qualified labor were
constraints on current drilling activity. District contacts expected
crude oil and natural gas prices to hold at current levels and
anticipated further expansion in oil drilling activity. Bucking national
trends, Wyoming?s coal production rose above year-ago levels in January
and early February. Ethanol profits dropped sharply as ethanol prices
declined with the year-end expiration of the federal ethanol subsidy.
Wages and Prices. Wage pressures remained low during the survey period,
and more contacts reported raising finished goods prices in light of
higher raw materials costs. More businesses planned to hire workers
during the next three months, and contacts in low- and moderate-income
communities reported a slight improvement in job opportunities. However,
most firms did not plan to raise wages except for specialized positions,
particularly in the hightech and energy fields. After edging up during
the past survey period, more retailers expected to raise selling prices
over the next three months. Restaurateurs expected further increases in
menu prices due to soaring food costs. Hotel operators planned to
increase room rates with higher occupancy rates. Manufacturers paid
higher prices for raw materials, and more manufacturers planned to pass
on higher costs to finished goods prices. Builders and construction
supply companies noted rising prices for construction materials,
especially drywall and asphalt shingles. Transportation companies paid
high fuel prices, and some were raising shipping rates.

** Market News International Washington Bureau: 202-371-2121 **



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How to design a coherent tax system

Our code is too complex, unfair, and economically harmful. Fixing it will take a heightened level of care.

The tax code is like a garden. Without regular attention, it grows weeds that will soon overwhelm the plants and flowers. Unfortunately, no serious weeding has been done to the tax code since 1986. In the meantime, many new plants and flowers have been added without regard to the overall aesthetic of the garden. The result today is an overgrown mess. There is a desperate need to pull the weeds, cut away the brush, and rethink some of the plantings to restore order, beauty, and functionality to the garden.

Skip to next paragraph Donald Marron

Donald B. Marron is director of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. He previously served as a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisers and as acting director of the Congressional Budget Office.

Recent posts

So begins Bruce Bartlett?s?The Benefit and the Burden, an excellent guide to the promise and peril of tax reform.

Beauty is too much to ask of any tax system, but order and functionality are fair aspirations. As Bruce documents, however, we fall far short. Our code is too complex, unfair, and economically harmful. And it doesn?t raise enough revenue to pay the government?s bills.

Bruce takes readers on a tour of many crucial issues in designing a coherent tax system. How should we measure income? Should capital gains count? How should the tax burden vary with income? Are all tax cuts and increases created equal? What can we learn from other nations? Should we tax income or consumption? How should we think about the inevitable politics of choosing winners and losers?

Bruce?s writing is clear, concise, and crisp. And he provides excellent suggestions for further reading for those who want to delve deeper (I found several items to add to my reading list).

Highly recommended for anyone wanting a pithy introduction to the challenges of designing a tax system we can be proud of.

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Can You Teach Your Baby to Sleep On The Go? | The Baby Sleep ...

baby sleep in strollerIf you?re a mom who thinks a lot about your baby?s sleep (and if you?re a Baby Sleep Site reader, you probably are), then you know that having a predictable, consistent schedule in place can go a long way towards helping your baby establish good sleep patterns. In fact, our sample baby schedules are some of the most popular articles on the site; clearly, parents are interested in establishing routines!

For some of us, though, a consistent schedule for baby can lead to the onset of serious cabin fever for mom or dad! That consistent schedule can contain two or three (or even four or five!) naps, which can make it impossible to get out of the house during the day. Being house-bound might work for some parents, but for others, being ?trapped? at home can be maddening. Whether you and your baby are introverts or extroverts will make a big difference!

So what?s a ?get out and go? mom (or dad) to do? We get this question quite a bit here at The Baby Sleep Site ? moms want to teach their babies healthy sleep habits, but they don?t want to be confined by a rigid schedule. ?Can I teach my baby to sleep when I?m on the go?? these moms ask. This article will attempt to answer that question.

What Do You Mean By ?Baby Sleep On the Go??

If your schedule (and by extension, your baby?s) is fairly consistent from day to day, and you only have one or two interruptions to that schedule each week, you?ll likely have few issues when it comes to getting your baby to sleep well. Most babies (although not all!) can handle a few variations in the routine. But if you?re out of the house constantly, and your days look nothing alike, it can be hard to get your baby sleeping well.

Can I Sleep Train On the Go?

Here?s the short answer: probably not. It?s not impossible, but it is very difficult. Remember that falling asleep and staying asleep, without any sleep ?props? or associations, is a skill babies have to learn. And, when you provide your baby with predictable, consistent routines each day, you give him lots of opportunities to practice this new skill.

Of course, there are occasional exceptions to this rule. You may have a highly adaptable baby who?s able to nap at different times each day, who can sleep anywhere, through anything, and whose bedtime can shift by as many as two or three hours without it making much impact. If you do, congratulations! If you don?t, read on!

There are two factors that make sleeping on the go hard for a baby: baby?s temperament and baby?s nap needs.

Baby?s Temperament Can Make It Hard to Sleep Train On the Go

Nicole defines temperament as how your baby reacts to situations and stimuli, as well as your baby?s mood, ability to calm himself, and level of activity. Some babies are highly adaptable, or are naturally relaxed and easy-going; these babies may do well with sleep training on the go. But if you have a slow-to-adapt baby, developing a consistent and predicable routine will be a key part of teaching your baby how to sleep well. As Nicole says, ?Slow to adapt children crave routine and need to know what to expect next.? In general, we recommend you plan to stay put for at least two weeks for official ?sleep training.?

Baby?s Nap Needs Can Make It Hard to Sleep Train On the Go

Babies and toddlers need naps; how many and how often depend on a baby?s age. Younger babies need multiple naps each day; as they grow, babies gradually narrow down to three naps each day, then two and (maybe) one. Keep in mind that naps are NOT a ?bonus? ? naps are necessary! Nicole supports Weissbluth?s philosophy that ?sleep begets sleep?; therefore, getting plenty of rest during the day is essential in order for a baby to sleep well at night. You may be tempted to think that as long as your baby is getting enough sleep at night, her naps aren?t important. This usually isn?t the case. The vast majority of babies need naps during the day in order to achieve balanced sleep.

Also, keep in mind that ?moving? sleep (i.e. sleep that happens in a carseat or a stroller) isn?t as restorative as sleep occurring in a crib or bassinette. This makes sense when you consider your own sleep experiences. Do you sleep better sitting up in a moving car or lying down in your bed? The same is true for your baby. Light and noise during naps are factors to consider as well. Your child will sleep better in a darkened, quiet room than in a brightly-lit, noisy one.

Our Recommendation: When Sleep Training, Stick Close to Home!

When you?re learning to do something new, you need to spend time and energy developing your new skill. Apply this same mentality to your baby?s sleep training. Some kids will pick up these new skills quickly; for others, though, it?ll take awhile. Accept your child?s temperament and prepare to be patient; it?s all part of being a parent! Remember too that the days of being tied to home are short-lived. Your baby won?t always be napping every two hours! By 18 months, most babies are napping just once a day (and some transition to one nap before that.) Once there are fewer naps happening during daylight hours, it?s much easier to get out and about.

But What If Sticking Close to Home Just Isn?t An Option?

If you don?t have to be on the go with your baby, then we here at the Baby Sleep Site recommend prioritizing your baby?s needs over your own and staying home to sleep train your baby. We know, however, that for some of you, being on the go isn?t optional (whether it?s because your personality needs it for sanity or because you have things you need to get done).

If this is the case for you, there are a few things you can do to encourage optimal sleep for your baby while the two of you are on the go:

  • Build in as much consistency as you can. Consider keeping a log of your daily activities for a week or two, and then look for patterns that could help you build some predictability into your routine.
  • Add some on-the-go products to your arsenal. Snoozeshade sells a variety of items that can make it easier for babies to sleep while they?re out and about with mom, including carseat, stroller, and even Pack-n-Play covers.
  • Monitor how much sleep your baby is getting. Determine how much sleep your baby needs based on her age, and then make it a priority to see that she gets it. In addition, watch for signs that your child isn?t getting enough sleep. If your baby shows any of these signs, make whatever changes you can to your schedule to help her get more rest. If you have a choice, attempt to have at least the first nap of the day at home as that is most often the most important.

Everyone?s family is unique and while you may see other babies sleeping in a stroller as their parents stroll through the mall, remember that we don?t want our babies ?crashing? from exhaustion, but rather learning healthy sleep habits. While the occasional stroller or car nap is just fine, we don?t recommend that be your daily routine. After all, gas is expensive and even walking the mall will get boring after the 300th day in a row.

Are you a ?get out and go? mom or dad? How do you get your baby to sleep well when you?re on the go?

Whether at home or on the go, if you?re looking for ways to get your baby or toddler into a healthy sleeping routine during the day, we encourage you to explore Mastering Naps and Schedules, a comprehensive guide to napping routines, nap transitions, and all the other important ?how-to? of good baby sleep. With over 40 sample sleep schedules and planning worksheets, Mastering Naps and Schedules is a hands-on tool ideal for any parenting style. For those persistent nighttime struggles, check out The 3 Step System to Help Your Baby Sleep. Using the same unique approach and practical tools for success, this e-book helps you and your baby sleep through the night. Or, join our Members Area packed with exclusive content and resources: e-Books, assessments, detailed case studies, expert advice, peer support, and more. It actually costs less to join than buying products separately! For those looking for a more customized solution for your unique situation with support along the way, please consider one-on-one baby and toddler sleep consultations.

Category: Sleep Training
Tags: baby sleep advice, baby sleep car, baby sleep habits, baby sleep patterns, baby sleep schedule, baby sleep solutions, baby sleep stroller, baby sleep techniques, baby sleep training, baby sleep training methods, putting baby to sleep, teach baby to sleep


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95% Pina

All Critics (85) | Top Critics (22) | Fresh (81) | Rotten (4) | DVD (1)

A remarkable -- and likely enduring -- tribute to an artist committed to creating dance theater drawn from humanity's deepest physical and emotional reserves.

For anyone with an interest in dance, "Pina" is a must-see. For anyone not interested in contemporary dance, "Pina" is a should-see. It could change your mind.

Pina is a tribute of an artist by an artist, a friend to a friend. But its great genius comes from the mournful, as well as celebratory, reckoning of the performers Bausch pushed, collaborated with and inspired.

What might seem like a convenient bid for publicity - the first 3-D art-house film! - turns out to be the only logical way to showcase the action.

This meditation on movement and space, transportation and transcendence is not to be missed.

What the filmmaker has created is an inspired simulacrum - a jewel-box that contains more of Bausch's kinetic soul than film has any right to.

Watching Pina is like being inside one of Bausch's surreal pieces.

Bring someone who doubts that movies can surprise us anymore. ... Bring somebody who isn't yet excited about stereoscopic cinema. They'll change their minds.

Most documentaries put us inside people's heads. The dazzling, experimental Pina puts us inside people's feet.

[An] utterly transfixing, exhilarating spectacle of bodies in motion.

The 3-D is so subtle, unobtrusive and low-key that at times I felt like I was watching the movie through a View-Master rather than the requisite plastic glasses. That's not meant as a knock.

"Pina" isn't just for dance fans or those curious about the latest in 3-D. It's a celebration of life.

An immersive moviegoing experience beyond imagination.

A unique and often sublime artistic experience, "Pina" is a 3-D dance film that immerses us in the movement, letting us feel that we could reach out and touch these dancers as they float past us.

Outsiders might have more difficulty comprehending Bausch's mastery, especially whacked up into bite-sized pieces of inscrutable emotion and abrupt movement.

Dance fans won't want to miss it, but be prepared to be frustrated almost as often as you're awed.

Exciting if elusive - appealing to dance enthusiasts

Wenders and the Tanztheater company have combined to offer a masterful tribute to Bausch's unique vision, one that's enhanced by 3D.

A spectacular show of movement and stagecraft.

Sans 3D, Pina becomes a more unified work of undisputed merits, a passionate, fitting tribute from one of Europe's preeminent filmmakers and documentarians.

Pina is as rich in imagery and emotion as any film released this year and in some cases moreso.

More Critic Reviews

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Finance And Business | Credit Card Debt Relief Tips :: By Sean A ...

You have run up huge debt on your credit cards and you desperately need credit card debt relief. So, where do you go and what can you do to get yourself out of that situation? The rising costs of living is not helping much and if you have no other way of increasing your income, it possibly means you are stuck with your debt problems until you take a firm step to do something about it.

Here are some tips on what you may do and the options you may consider to get yourself out of debt and achieve financial freedom.

? Debt settlement and consolidation companies or agencies ? these agencies exist to offer you help with your debt. They can offer you various options for you to choose from. No single debt resolution is suitable for everyone. In fact, you may even need a program custom made to suit your needs. To find out how these companies or agencies can give you credit and debt help, you may try to seek out a reputable company and set an appointment with it. Consulting such a company with your debt problems may be the best way to go as you will be able to check out the agency while at the same time get some free debt relief advice from them. Be very careful of agencies that charge you a fee for mere consultation. You should not have to pay to get more information about the services they offer.

? Debt consolidation - you may either take up a secured debt consolidation loan by taking up a home equity loan, refinance your primary mortgage or you may use a debt consolidation service. With the first option, a mortgage loan means you are probably getting a lower interest rate than your high interest rate credit card debt. It is also tax deductible. However, the downside to this is that you may risk losing your home if you are unable to service the second mortgage. Furthermore, mortgages are long-term loans so it may mean the monthly payment could be lower but it will take a longer time and a cumulatively higher cost for you to achieve financial freedom. In the second option, you get a debt consolidation agency to help you consolidate your debts into one single payment. The agency will negotiate with your creditors and arrange a payment schedule so that you only pay the agency while they will settle with your creditors.

? Roll-up to pay off your debt ? instead of only paying the monthly minimums, it is possible for you to pay off your debt through a planned repayment, known as a ?roll-up? strategy. Using this method, you may need to cut down on your expenses. You will continue paying all your monthly debts but the extra cash saved from cutting down your expenses will go towards paying your highest interest account so that you may be able to pay it up as soon as possible. You continue doing this for each of your accounts and pretty soon, you may possibly become debt free.

? Consumer credit counseling ? you may go to your local consumer credit counseling company for financial counseling and budget planning. These companies also offer debt management plans if that is what you want.

? Debt settlement ? again, you may search for a reputable debt settlement firm to help you negotiate credit card debt and perhaps come up with a lump sum settlement. These firms will negotiate with your creditors to reduce your debts sometimes, by as much as half of your principal balances, and since it takes 2 to 3 years to complete, you may possibly find yourself debt free pretty fast using this option. The drawback to this option is that it may damage your credit rating while under this program and for a year or two afterwards.

With these tips, you can see that it may possible for you to get rid of your debt and be financially free.

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Article Added on Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ajax Union offers Internet Marketing Webinars to Help Businesses ...

Digital Age Marketing Group AJAX Ajax Union offers Internet Marketing Webinars to Help Businesses Improve Online SuccessBROOKLYN, NY ? A Brooklyn-based legal Internet marketing company is encouraging businesses and entrepreneurs to enroll in the agency?s webinars to gain a better understanding of how online marketing works and how to improve their own efforts.

Ajax Union, a top legal internet marketing firm in Brooklyn, is seeking to help business owners improve their online marketing strategies though special company webinars. The company has hosted at least one free webinar per week throughout 2012, each covering a broad range of important marketing topics.

?Ajax Union is more than an SEO company, and our webinars cover more than just SEO, including advanced topics like social networking, PR and reputation management, Google AdWords, networking, and sales techniques. At the end of each webinar, we ask our attendees to tell us which topics they would like to see us discuss in the future so that we can best serve our audience,? said Joe Apfelbaum, Ajax Union CEO.

There are two more webinars left for the month, one on Feb. 28 and one on Feb. 29 at 12 p.m. Ajax Union?s Vice President Shani Muschel will present the webinar on the 28th, which will cover SEO tactics such as how to use text to improve a website?s ranking. The webinar on the 29th will be hosted by the legal internet marketing company?s Social Media & PR Manager Sarah Mogin. This webinar will focus on social media marketing, centering on how to use Facebook to improve a business? online presence and revenue.

Several more webinars are scheduled for March, including the kickoff webinar on March 6, which will be hosted by Ajax Union Marketing & PR Strategist Jessica Coghill. Topics that will be covered in march range from email marketing to the best ways to find new leads.

Running a successful legal Internet marketing campaign is not easy, but with Ajax Union?s help, business owners will gain a better understanding of what is involved in running an online marketing effort in order to improve clientele and rankings across a search result.

In addition to learning about online marketing success, several of the seminars feature raffled prizes, which include free press releases and in-depth consultations.

Those who are interested in learning more about Ajax Union or signing up for a webinar can visit


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mathematical Parrot Reveals His Genius With Posthumous Paper

I did a calculation a while back that compared a middle grade teachers salary with an engineers. I took into account the normal days off from holidays+summer vacation that teachers normally get, compared them to the Holidays and standard vacation time an engineer gets. With a standard 8 hour day from an engineer and a 10 hour day from a teacher. It worked out that the engineer was only getting paid a small amount more. I think 1 dollar an hour difference.

Now that 10 hour day is an average that teachers bitch and moan about to me, however from friends who are teachers I usually see them working up to 12 hours some day and 6 - 8 hours the other... So 10 hours seemed fare. Most engineers I know work more then 8 hours a day to but they don't complain about it as much.

Teacher have a powerful union behind them (My personal feeling is Unions are holding good teachers back from getting what they deserve but that is too much digressing) that makes sure that they are treated fairly most engineers do not have such protection.

But this anti-Math and Science from teachers starts well before they are teaching. Normally for anyone graduating from High School who is choosing a major a Teaching degree is one of those that you can get that has an obvious career path that doesn't require heavy Math and Science, so they go that route. I went to college I know education majors, I saw the classes they took, I saw their masters classes too... They are joke classes to give them a degree.

The Poor teacher excuse is getting really lame today. For they are a few groups without strong math or science skills who can get a decent middle class job, they are not going to be rich but they will be able to pay their bills and feed a family.


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Putin on trial? Fake video goes viral in Russia (+video) (The Christian Science Monitor)

Moscow ? A startlingly realistic fake "breaking news" video purporting to show the arrest and trial of Vladimir Putin has gone viral, garnering well over 3 million hits since it was posted on YouTube on Monday. 

The one-minute-long film, apparently a collage using real scenes from the 2010 trial of Mr. Putin's nemesis, oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, shows a packed courtroom with a prisoner who looks exactly like the Russian prime minister dressed in prison garb and sitting in an iron-barred cage. 

When ordered by the judge to stand and state his name, he stands and mumbles "Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich." 

Styled as a breaking news item, a breathless news anchor relates that Putin has just been brought to the court and charged with "theft of state property, financial fraud, and abuse of office." 

RELATED: Defying Putin: 7 Russians to watch

It adds that he is also charged under Article 205 of Russia's criminal code "as a person who assisted in an act of terrorism to intimidate the population." 

Any Russian will immediately recognize this as a reference to a still unsolved 1999 wave of apartment bombings that killed almost 300 people in their sleep, transfixed Russians with fear, and led to the overwhelming victory of the tough-talking former KGB agent, Putin, in parliamentary and subsequent presidential polls. 

Rumors, backed by a few serious studies (see a Hudson Institute study here), have long maintained that Russian secret services may actually have been behind those attacks. That suggestion has been fiercely denied by Russian officials, who have blamed the acts on Chechen terrorists. 

The fake Putin video was apparently posted by Russian documentary filmmaker Vadim Korovin, who told journalists he hoped to draw attention to his upcoming film ? which has been banned by the Ministry of Culture ? about the 1999 bombings and their aftermath. 


For the video with English subtitles, go here. 


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